
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November Begins

This was my morning chore today.
  I retied and bundled all the quilts that Pat J. brought to my house on Saturday.  Then I moved them all to one of the bedrooms.    
We have 48 quilts, 30 pillowcases and several bags of magazines to take to the VA Hospital next week. 

We  have a big family party planned for this weekend to celebrate all the fall birthdays.
  I'm making enchiladas, New Mexico style!  One of my dearest friends, Vera Campbell, was from Gallup and I always use her recipe.  The whole family loves them.
They will provide everything else.

We had our first frost early Monday morning.  So I coved my porch plants - still out on the lawn - but we are expecting two more nights in the 20's before the weekend so I may have take them out to the man cave for the winter.  Or I may chance the weather to enjoy them out here awhile longer.

This pepper plant is so handsome I may try to save seeds from it.  I took some cuttings from my favorite begonia too.  I keep telling myself it's time for them to have their winter rest but......

Now it's up to the Sasanquas to hold down the fort for awhile.