
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Outside My Kitchen Window

This afternoon when I got home from bee, a misty rain was just starting to fall.  This camellia is at it's peak.  It  is variety 'Shiro Chan', a Mother's Day gift from Kathy & Tracey 15 years ago. I enjoy seeing it outside my kitchen window each morning.  I cut lots of blossoms from it to decorate the tables for the Community Lenten Lunch at WUMC this past Wednesday.

We got a lot accomplished at Bee today.  Our goal was to make 100 - 9" Capital T blocks.  I think there were 17 of us and we completed a total of 64 blocks.  Mary volunteered to set them together when we get the others finished. Cathy Smith organized a really fun give away with neat gifts and door prizes. She spent a lot of time getting it organized and we all appreciate it. Thanks Cathy.

We also presented Steve M., our host, with a beautiful wall hanging and a wooden hanger for the office. 

There was show and tell and a great covered dish lunch.  I didn't take pictures. Lots of fun by all.  What better way for quilters to light up a cold, dreary Saturday than to sew with friends.

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