
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Pricey Pickles????

Well last night I finally made pickles  - Yes, that's right two whole pints!

 Ever since I picked the first little Kirby cucumber from our mini- garden last month I've been wanting to make Bread and Butter Pickles.  Monday when I went out to water I picked 4 very nice cucumbers and I already had two in the kitchen.  A good start.  I  figured I'd go over to Wake Forest to buy enough  more to make one recipe.  I picked up my grand daughter, Emily, and we stopped at the vegetable stands that Shelly recommended.  Neither had really fresh cucumbers.  We shopped and then went out for lunch.  I picked up some new jars, mustard seed, pickling salt and turmeric.  I had everything I needed but the cucumbers.

Tuesday morning, near noon when I got off.  I decided I go to the State Farmer's Market in Raleigh for them.  I sliced up the 6 cucumbers I had to see how many more I  needed to buy.  I had 1 quart, I only need 18 more.   Okay!  I bought tomatoes for John, a basket of really nice peaches and $7. of cucumbers.  Then 3 ears of corn for John and I was on my way home.   Of course I stopped at the quilt shop  and the grocery store for a couple of things too.

Came home and  unloaded the car  - guess what No Cucumbers!  I guess I has set them down when I paid for the corn and left them.  RATS!!!!!!  Well I complained for a bit then I drove to Wrenn's Produce in Zebulon but they sell only the burpless variety.  Last resort -  maybe Walmart grocery had some.  They did  - but they looked liked they had been picked last month!

I didn't want my fresh cucumbers to go to waste so I made a 1/4 recipe.  I spent 2 days and drove about 120 miles but John and I tried them tonight and they are wonderful.

My new plan is to pull up the summer squash in the garden and plant some more seeds.  Maybe by  September I can make a whole batch.

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