
Friday, February 17, 2012

Veteran's Friendship Star

In January I made a kit for a Veteran's quilt so that I could work on when I needed something to pick up and go.  Yesterday I had a little time so I made a few blocks. This afternoon I had some time to sew so I was able to finish the top. 

It went together real fast.  It measures 51 x 63".  Now I'll need to make another kit!

I like the hollow stars.  Maybe I'll make another with red cornerstones and just use hollow stars.  I'd like to have about four quilts ready for the Veteran's Hospital this year.  We'll see!

Another use for your stash
This is my month to do Worship preparation each week.

This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday and our Pastor asked for the Alter and rails to be draped in white.  We had a couple of large piece of white fabric at church but no where near enough.  So I found a set of sheets, five tablecloths then the stash yielded enough to finish up. 
Wednesday will be burlap and back to purple paraments.  

The Worship Committee has two rooms up on the third floor where we keep all our supplies and decorations for all the various seasons of the Christian year.  But sometimes the Pastor will ask for something different and then we improvise.

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