
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Five Inch Squares

 Each time I come across this little stack of five inch squares, I wonder what I intended to use them for when I cut them.  This afternoon I decided to so something with them.  I cut some white squares the same size.  Then cut some setting triangles and started sewing.

By 5PM I had finished this little quilt top.  It is 44 x 51" and when finished I will donate it to Quilts for Kids at Capital Quilters Guild.
I have enough squares to make at least one more. 

Kathy invited us over for lasagna this evening so I didn't have to cook today.  She even let me win at Scrabble by more than 50 pts. Actually I didn't cook at all this weekend.  John took me to McLean's for breakfast on Saturday and we had dinner with Tracey and Paul that night.   Got to see four of the grand kids  - always fun - they stay busy so it's nice when we get to spend a little time with them.

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