
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Two Quilts Finished - Almost.............

The pictures leave a lot to be desired but I will try again after I sew the binding down.  It was really too sunny today and much too hot to mess around outside for very long.

I finished the Dresden Plate last week before we went to the lake but I didn't take it with me as we had lots of other stuff to tote in. I always drag my feet when it comes to the binding. 

I finished quilting the borders this morning and sewed the binding on.  So now  will I start quilting  the other large quilt.  Probably not.  I think I need to buy some more thread.  Since I started using Aurifil thread I really am not as crazy about the other brands.  I have plenty of thread but --------.
Going to the Sewing Expo in Raleigh tomorrow so perhaps I'll find some there. 

Love these pink day lilies.

Hard to get a good picture of these lilies as their habit is to dip their heads.

I don't have many of these Canna at home but a few years ago I planted some down at church near the back steps.  They just love their home there and really light up that corner.   I noticed them Monday while at Table of Grace. 
 I have Food Pantry duty in the morning so I need to get there a little early and  get a picture.  What a color burst  - the purple stems and buds and the vivid orange of the blossom!

Our weather has started really heating up and we could use some rain.  The white crepe myrtles are starting to blossom.  I love that they last all summer.

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