
Monday, June 25, 2012

Vacation Bible School

Oh yes we are having VBS!  So much planning for this week. The Sunday School and the Fellowship Hall have been transformed into the Sea.  I know it will be a success. Even if you haven't registered you can still attend.  Starts at 6:15 each evening.

I used to love doing VBS when we held it in the mornings.  One of the most memorable was in 2001.
I was doing crafts that year.  We were making bird feeders and the pastor came in to help me with one of the larger classes.  She tripped over a chair leg coming in the room, fell over like a tree and ended up with a severely broken wrist.   I haven't volunteered to be in charge of crafts since.

I did manage to make a backing for my Spare Part Stars quilt today.  I pieced 3 zigzag strips and inserted them in the backing.  I had enough fabric without piecing it but  I like the interest a pieced back adds, a little extra surprise.

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