
Monday, July 9, 2012

A Room With a View

We spent last week with my sister in Oxford, New York.  We went to attend a celebration of life service to honor and remember my brother in law Jim. 
The morning of the service we woke up at 6AM to this wonderful view! 
One I've seen many times but don't think I really appreciated as much as I did this morning.  It just seemed like Jim was looking over his beloved farm and smiling at the day.

The fields, lawn and pond were all mowed and trimmed.  You can see Julie is already out giving a final trim to the field next door to the house while Matt was trimming the front lawn. 
(you can see I took the pics through the screen)
Oh, to wake up every morning and turn over in bed to this view! 
I just love Debbie's bedroom.

John had a good time up at the pond with Jess.  They caught about 40 small mouth bass. They transferred them to another pond across the road near Matt's house.

The weather was perfect!
The view was awesome and time spent with family and friends was priceless!
Thanks Barb.

1 comment:

  1. 40 small mouthed bass! Wowza. Love this post, and, yes, love that view :) It was wonderful seeing you and Uncle John.
