
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Sewing Update

A table runner I started Sunday afternoon and completed Monday morning. Pattern is in the latest issue of McCall's Quilting, called Zippy Strippy.  Very easy and fun to make.  It will be the gift to the person who sold the winning ticket in our Woman's Club quilt raffle.  The Arrow Star quilt that will be given away can be seen here.
 The drawing is Saturday morning at the clubhouse.
This is the back
This table runner I made a few weeks ago and it will be given to the Woman's Club member who sold the most raffle tickets. 
Backing fabric.
Extra Block
My Stitcher's Garden block for June and above is the extra block we were given in May.  We have two to do for July also so I can't wait until the last minute again. (one is another extra block)
Lastly I have been making some Dresden plate blocks with all the plethora of 30's fabric that I now have.  I cut enough wedges to make many, many blocks------tooo many I fear.  Planning to make a couple of baby size quilts rather that the big one I made here.


We're still getting plenty of rain in our little corner of the world - I haven't needed to water anything yet this year except the porch pots.  John put in an underground water pipe to go to the far backyard so he could water the blueberry and raspberry plants he planted last year.  He'd be happy to see that they are thriving (except for the blueberry bushes that the deer have been munching on).  No wonder he felt he needed to plant several bushes.

Raspberries were John's favorite  - He loved raspberry anything.  Our friends in the Adirondacks, his sisters, my sisters etc. always made sure they had Raspberry Jam for John.  That and sweet corn on the cob when it was in season. 

Marcia made a remembrance arrangement for him for Father's Day and put in raspberry branches and flags.  It was so fitting.


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