
Thursday, July 11, 2013

"MMBS Birthday Girls" Road Trip

Our Monday Morning Bible Study Group  has a tradition of going out to lunch to celebrate the  birthdays of those who wish to participate.  Some of these gals have been doing this for many years. 
One former member of the group, (she was the Bible study leader for over 20 years) Alta Ruth, has moved to Wilmington to be near family.
Today is her birthday so we left at 9AM to have lunch with her there.  Julia and I both share the 9th for our birthdays, and Jim, who volunteered to drive us on the bus celebrates his birthday on the 15th.
About halfway there we began to notice a hot, smoky odor.   We stopped at a rest area and the AC unit was smoking. 

Jim used to pastor a church a few more miles down the road so we stopped at the garage of one of his former parishioners.  They cut the belt off the AC unit and we continued on our way with the windows providing our AC. 
Lunch at the K & W in Wilmington after we picked up Alta Ruth on the left. With Mary Jean standing,  Norma, Julia's mom, and Annie.

Then we enjoyed dessert with Al's daughter-in-law, Joy,  at their new home nearby.
We had 2 beautiful 90-somethings, 4 lovely 80-somethings and even one guest, Ellen, from Sierra Leone who was here visiting with Annie.
It was so nice to celebrate with friends and always good to see Alta Ruth.  Alta Ruth's childhood home was right next door to the church.  Jim, who grew up at WUMC says Al was his mentor when he was a youth leader and as he made his decision to enter the ministry.  She is the nicest person I have ever met and we all love her.  Happy 88th to Alta Ruth.
We arrived back in Wendell just after 6:30PM.  Windblown and warm, we'll all sleep well tonight.
We're so thankful for Jim for always being willing to drive. 

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