
Monday, July 22, 2013

More Lake Time - New Project

I went to the lake Sunday evening with the idea that I would get up early Monday and mow the lawn.
After getting up rather late (9:30AM) and  having a nice brunch with the puzzles from the Sunday paper, I was finally ready to tackle the lawn.

When I went to the shed, the key for the mower was missing - Al had forgotten and put it in his pocket and it was in Wendell - what to do? 

Got out my trusty Hot Dog Bait and went cat fishing.  That lasted about an hour - too hot - although it was so pretty with the blue skies. 

Back inside for me where it was nice and cool.  I cut some strips for a quilt that I have been wanting to try since I first saw it on the Nifty Quilts Blog last year. Kind of a Spider Web design.

I think this may be a winter project. It took me lots of time just to sew all this  .Only 1 block is completely sewn.  I really like it as it  but it looks like it will be a challenge for me.

My neighbor has this on her lawn. A Sea-Doo Planter - who knew.

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