
Monday, November 11, 2013

Beautiful Fall Days - A touch of winter Ahead

Yuletide Sasanqua

Bonanza Sasanqua
Light pink Sasanqua
 A good day to take in the porch plants as our weatherman is predicting temps in the 20s this week and even the mention of possible snowflakes - Good Grief!!!  The sasanqua camellias are so pretty right now and I have an Encore Azalea that has been in bloom for about 3 weeks.

 A quick trip up to the lake this afternoon to make sure the heat was turned on up there.  The porch seems 
to be saying "Stay awhile!" 

Added a few more blocks to the Arrow Star quilt.  Need to prepare for this month's Stitcher's Garden  block at Thistlebee in Goldsboro tomorrow.

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