
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Waiting for the Winter Storm

This morning I went down to the quilting machine and finished a small donation quilt that I had started last week.  Forgot to take a picture of it - just a child's print panel that I've had for awhile. 
Then I loaded this one on the machine.  It is called Hidden Stars and I finished the top and layered it back in Nov. 2012.  I quilted another pre-layered quilt awhile back and it turned out well.  This is a little larger but I didn't want to take it all apart.  It is spray basted for the most part so there are not too many pins to deal with.  Just as I finished the first row, the snowflakes started.

Just after noon - lots and lots of little snowflakes and the weatherman called it exactly right.  It snowed until about 5PM, started sleeting and then turned to freezing rain.  

Little Cardinals Barb gave me

I checked the back deck about 9:30 and the camellias and crepe myrtles out back are coated with ice and dripping big icicles.  Quite pretty shining in the light from the back yard light.  Hope it doesn't turn into a major ice storm with power outages though.

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