
Monday, April 21, 2014

Banners and a Block

After Bible Study this morning, Lori came over and we made Baptism Banners for brothers who will be baptized this Sunday.  Both designs are new for us so it took us longer than expected.

 We enjoyed lunch together before we tackled the second one.  Lori has been researching designs and verses.  We had fun collaborating on them.  It is much more fun to make them with a partner. Thanks Lori.
This is the cover quilt from last September or October 2013 Fons and Porter magazine.  It was recently shown on their PBS program too.  My quarter blocks came out smaller than their pattern by at least 1/4 inch no matter how much I pressed.  Rats  - I hate when that happens.  Not decided if I will proceed or not. 

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