
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Lake Life - Good Neighbors

Radar lives at the end of our road - he loves to visit everyone in the neighborhood.  He was taking a break while his owner, Dickie, along with Steve and Donna were mowing, raking and blowing the leaves off my yard. They came over Saturday morning and when my mower wouldn't start - they went home and came back in a few minutes with their equipment and before lunch they had it all done.  

After the clean up

The weather was beautiful and the I hated to leave this afternoon.  I wanted  to plant  some flowers in the planter but the weatherman said we may have some pretty cool temps near the middle of the week.

I had time to start quilting the Charlie Brown Quilt when I got back home.   I put it on the machine a few weeks ago.  Using the baptist fan again - still need lots more practice.  I need the quilting machine for the top I finished last week.

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