
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Beautiful July Day

 The Crepe Myrtle at the front driveway is so pretty this morning - I even forgive it for shedding pink all over the place.

This afternoon I sewed the final border on the fandango quilt.  I chose four red batiks for it a couple of months ago - I had forgotten which was my favorite then but this is my favorite now.  I didn't have time to choose a backing as I filled in at Food Pantry at 5PM.  We had a very busy shift.

These past couple of weeks have flown by.  We had Vacation Bible School at WUMC last week and I went to Detroit with family to attend a funeral last weekend.  We had a fun Bee Meeting on Saturday - Sunday I had a delightful lunch with a lovely 95 year young lady and Monday was the start of our 9th year serving our Table of Grace Meals.  We served 74 to s meal of Ham, Macaroni Salad, Green Beans, Biscuit and Peach/Blueberry Shortcake.  
Of course I have managed to sneak in a little sewing time here and there, make some pickles and attend a super fun pool party too

John  - May 2012
 Today John's tractor, which he took such great care of, is on it's way to serve at a mission in Africa.  I know that would please him.  I sent this picture of him along with the instruction manuals.

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