
Friday, July 31, 2015

Table of Grace - July and a Bonanza

Danny - always comes to help us at serving time. We made baked spaghetti, fruit salad, Italian bread and four different cakes.

Sue - welcoming the last of the line - which means we eat soon. 

The Bonanza

Last month, the church office called to ask me if we could use some ground beef for Table of Grace.
Our church also has a food pantry and sometimes receives food that has been declined by a restaurant or store usually because it wasn't what they ordered or more than they ordered.  The food pantry had no way of repackaging the meat safely so it came to us. 

Yes  - of course - I answered

We were given 140 pounds of ground beef - so we will be making all our menus with ground beef included in the main course until it is gone.

Again God is Good!

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