
Sunday, August 16, 2015

Garden Trellis

I started this top in early July.  It is from a book called Modern Bee by Lindsay Conner that I borrowed from our local library.  It had quilt a few quilts that I liked in it.
It was the end of July before I sewed on it again. I sewed quite a few quarter blocks at our July Bee.

lots of blocks to press

lots of blocks to trim
Last week I sewed the quarter  blocks together and then into rows.  This week I was determined to finish a couple of projects that just need a little more sewing. SO..........................

Now I have a finished 62 x 75" quilt top.  I think the name of the pattern in the book was Trellis Crossroads.

In addition to trimming all those blocks  - I did lots of trimming on the overgrown azaleas on the north side of the house.  They are the tall Formosa variety - they were all white when we planted them years ago but somehow a few years back we have one pink one in the midst of them. I always think I will mark it when it is in blossom and take it out but I always forget so it's safe and I've gotten used to it,

It two cart loads of trimmings for each bush.  They look pretty skimpy now but in a couple of years they will be big and bushy again.

1 comment:

  1. that will be such a beautiful quilt. You have such beautiful fabrics.
    How did you know where to put the triangles???
    See you Saturday.
