
Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Cookie Business and Quilting

This Friday is our town's Christmas lighting celebration.  In addition our church is having their annual cookie walk and live nativity.  And the Woman's Club is having a fund raiser too. So I have 12 dozen pinwheel cookies for the cookie walk, trays, cake stands etc. to take to church.  Hot chocolate mix, tablecloths and a quilted Christmas wall hanging to take to the Woman's Club Building.
After I delivered these and had my hair cut I came home and made two batches of sand tart cookies.  While the dough was chilling  - I went down to the little house to work on the quilt I had loaded on Saturday afternoon.

I was having trouble with skipping stitches and thread fraying so I decided to leave it and see if I could determine what was going on.  I read up on it and today I did three things.  I loosened the the top thread tension, loosened the tension of the quilt top and also slowed down my speed.  I only had one thread break today.  I seem to have more problems with thread fraying when quilting batiks.

Started to bake the Sand Tarts about 5 PM.  I scorched the very first ones.

Thar's more like it!

8 PM - cookies in oven, only  two more trays to bake and 

a mess to clean up!

I can tidy up while the last two sheets are baking.

About 16 dozen cookies! I think I'll eat corn flakes for dinner!

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