
Sunday, January 24, 2016

It was Icy!

The sun shining brightly on all the ice covered vegetation this morning was beautiful,... I just wanted it to stay for it's beauty but for practical reasons I wanted it gone.

It was no match for the power of the sunshine ...... it was all melted off the trees by 3PM.

Kathy and Em watched the Carolina - Va Tech game

We had dinner and watched the Panthers vs Arizona.

They are hoping their power will be restored tomorrow.

No sewing for me today but I did make 16 blocks yesterday - so maybe Tuesday I will have enough blocks made to start sewing a top together.  

  School is cancelled so Emily will help out with Table of Grace at WUMC.  We are going to serve Meatloaf with sauce, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Rolls and Dessert (probably Chocolate Cake)

Luther could care less - he would like me to move to another chair so he can claim mine!

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