
Friday, April 22, 2016

Lake Weekend

Daniel, Ben and Al came up to the lake to help me clean the porch and yard.  Al even painted the windows on the storage shed.  The temperature was in the seventies and the sky was perfectly blue.

As we were eating lunch - we had a visitor to one of the trees down by the lake.

We wondered at first if it was an eagle.  It was big but not eagle big also it had a white breast.
He/She had a large fish about 12 - 14" long. Turns out it was an Osprey and he/she (both sexes have the same markings) perched there for about five hours devouring his catch.

We also had time to play games and eat out on the porch.  
We taught Ben how to play Catan (he won the first game he played).  Go Ben! 
Daniel took this picture in the evening.


I did finish the binding on Barbs Barn Quilt #1 while watching my usual Sunday night PBS shows.

I stayed up through Monday and met with the realtor - so it will listed sometime next week.

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