
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Quilting Another Quilt - Water Woes

When I took the garden trellis quilt off the Crown Jewel last week I had time to load this one.   I have been trying to do this so that hopefully  I will feel more compelled to quilt knowing there is something already to go.
It is a pattern that Edyta Sitar calls scrappy squares.  It uses a lot of batiks.

I struggled with what I would use in the squares,   I saw a You Tube video of a gal using a similar design so I practiced drawing it on paper. And then practiced it on my DSM.

I had lots of trouble with thread shredding and breaking.  So I switched threads and needles etc.  I also slowed down my speed.  I t was pretty good then but I had to sew only from left to right  - when I tried to sew back to the left the thread still shredded.  It is a little slow going and I have to turn after every row.

I have been sewing on some new window treatments for the den  - that is chore sewing.  I had to get out the serger and I was glad it was threaded so I didn't have to rack my brain about that.  I will have a tall guest staying at my house this weekend so hopefully they will get hung then.


Mother's Day the family came over in the afternoon. Just as we were preparing to eat - the water stopped flowing.  Glad for my son-in laws and their input.  We were expecting the worst but the  water came back on in about an hour.  The well people came our Monday and checked everything out.   The well is in good shape  - just a minor thing.  But I was glad in the long run  - I will have an additional filter put on the lines next week to help with the iron in the water.. Our area is plagued with iron in the water!!!!  But when I think of all the people in the world who would be thrilled to have water from a well even with the pesky iron. I am thankful for what I have.

We made another 21 loaves of bread Wednesday.  Our delivery guys said the gift was well received.
We will meet again in a couple of weeks - we may try a new recipe next quarter so we are looking around for recipes.  I found one for a cinnamon bread that I will test soon.

Thursday - Shelly treated me to a reflexology massage and pedicure.  Then we ate at Champa, an Asian restaurant at Brier Creek.  A little shopping and I was ready to call it a day.

Our town is having an Art Walk - there will artists painting pictures of various locations downtown. The paintings will be auctioned off in the evening.  Our church will be painted by one of our members. Another artist will paint the Woman's Club Building.  We are having an open house there so I will be baking cookies.

1 comment:

  1. you leave me breathless. I finished the table runner and hope to finish the quilt with the four feather design before thurs. Probably wont finish binding by then though.
    Love the Batik triangles and love the big square quilting.
