
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Greek Cross & Roses


I finished the quilting on the Greek Cross donation quilt.  I will have to trim it and sew on the binding.  I will  donate it to the Pine Tree Quilters Guild in the fall for whatever use they choose.

The quilt is 46 by 58 inches.
The backing is not as dark as it looks in this picture. 

This has been a great year for this old rose bush.  It has been moved from Alabama to Georgia to New London, NC and then to it's present location 20 years ago.  It's not the best place for a rose bush on the north side of the workshop but it has survived.  
You can see the yellow roses in the background.

It was given to me by an employee of John's when my mother passed away in 1991.  
  His name was Howard - It's an offshoot of his mother's rose bush.  
I thought that was such a sweet and caring thing for him to do. I'm sure he could have sent a florist's arrangement if he'd wished but he took the time to come and visit and bring this special gift.

I have no idea what variety this is  - it is fragrant but the blossoms are very short lived.  The Japanese beetles enjoy them a lot too.

1 comment:

  1. this looks like a pink posting. And I do love pink. I also like the variation in the colors for Greek Cross pattern. And you know I like the quilting. What a perfect back.
    See you soon.
