
Monday, August 7, 2017

The Hen Party !998

Here we are back in 1998 - at Barb's house. 
(And this is not the funny picture) 
Who knows what we were thinking.
I believe we started out with a birthday party theme as all my sisters and brother have birthdays in July and Barb's is in August. 
 I just remember - Janet bringing gifts for each of us.  Books, Stationary etc. 

Barb made a spaghetti supper like our Mom always made for us when we came to her house. Without fail it was spaghetti and meatballs or a pork roast that she cooked in a pressure cooker.

We played cards, toured the local antique shops, played cards, did a porch tour, played cards,
relaxed and did I mention we played cards.  We used to be fanatics about playing cards. The guys would go to bed and we'd stay up and play cards till the wee hours.
Such simple fun - we loved it.

It's just around the corner - Can't wait till the fun begins this year. 

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