
Saturday, December 2, 2017

PreDawn Sewing - Christmas Activities & A Nice Surprise

So this morning I got up at 4:45 and started sewing after I had my first cup of Coffee.
After making sure I had enough half square triangle units made,
I sewed 24 pairs of the small red half square triangles together.  Then I discovered that I had again sewed them facing the wrong direction - grr.  
This time I did unsew them and redid them correctly.

I also made the four large companion strips of blue half square triangles.
I made the large navy half square units that I think  will work in the corners.
Maybe tomorrow afternoon I will have time to finish up the border units - I am really getting tired of working on this but I don't want to put it aside again.

Our Cookie Sale went really well last night - we had so many folks that we ran out of boxes to put cookies in - we improvised with zip lock bags.

We were busy from 5:30 until 8:30.  Everyone was happy with their cookies and we had lots of new people that had never been before.

Of corse these gals served lots of Hot Cocoa!

Today we clean up and get the fellowship hall ready for the men to put on their Church wide Christmas breakfast in the morning.
My Sunday School Class is also having their Christmas Party tomorrow after Church at a nearby Steakhouse - I may skip the breakfast.


This afternoon my daughter and son in law came over with my grandson Evan. 
The Coast Guard had sent him to Camp LeJeune for some training for a couple of weeks and he was home for the weekend.  He is stationed at Port Aransas in Texas. 
 He was home for the wedding in October but it was nice to have him here. 
We had dinner, played Rummicube and they put up the Christmas tree that I bought last weekend when I went to Lowes for a night light. 
What a nice surprise!

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