
Sunday, June 3, 2018

Another Treasure from Barb's Attic

These pictures certainly don't convey the interesting nature of this blanket.
There were several blankets of this type in the chest and Barb let me choose the one I wanted.
This was the only one with embroidery and the only blue one.  The others were done in red.

 Thee blanket id 60 by 68" It is made of two lengths of fabric that has been carefully hand slip- stitched together.  The bottom and top are turned back and embroidered around the edge.

I guess the embroidery on the two corners is free form.
I think they may be wool but I'm not certain of it.
Glad they were protected by the cedar chest all these years.
Isn't it interesting that folks used to make their own blankets!
Thanks Barb - I'm  a lucky sister!

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