
Sunday, March 3, 2019

February Sewing Continued

The top 8 blocks are from a pattern found in the Quilters Cache.
It is called the Dandy Quilt.
Very easy to make  - I cut out enough for a quilt and plan to take them to the beach retreat.
I also cut out 2" strips in green and neutrals with red in them to make a lap size Sixteen patch quilt.
I probably won't take them as they require and extra cutting step and I think I want to take things that I can just sew and press.

I have wanted to make this baby quilt for ages - so I cut this out last week too.
Can't see sewing this on my featherweight  - so this won't go to the beach either.

And I saw this on Pinterest the other day and - while it is fun to make - it is way to messy with trimming etc, I like the way it looks though.  
We had a baby baptism Sunday so Lori and I made her little banner last week.
Such a sweet little girl she didn't make a peep during it all

Well - I have really started a lot of new projects since the start of the New Year  - but that's okay and anyway - who's counting - not me!

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