
Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Springtime - Easter 2019

Mario out working on the yard and trimming trees - Me taking way too long to remove layers of pollen from everything on the porches.
Then we had a few storms that washed the pollen from the air - lots of rain and wind but our area escaped any real damage
Paul's Tomato Garden

Larger container for collecting rainnwater

A Shasta Viburnum raised from a cutting I planted 3 years ago.

 When I came home from a beautiful and moving Maundy Thursday Evening Service - the moon was  just rising - impossible to capture the beauty of it  - but at least these pictures can remind me that the best things in life are free for everyone to enjoy.

WUMC living cross

"Gold" Easter Bunnies 
And then a sweet Easter Service, dinner with the family
and a reverse Easter Egg Hunt with the grandchildren hiding the eggs for the "Old Folks" to find.
I found 10 ---with help from Tracey.

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