
Monday, May 13, 2019

Quilt Speak

The Quilt Speak Exhibit opened at the North Carolina History Museum in Raleigh.  It is a free exhibit and will be there until early 2020.  It is more than just an exhibit of quilts - it is the stories behind the quilts that is fascinating.  We were fortunate to have a tour with the curator and author of the book "Quit Speak", Diana Bell-Kite.

We met up with friends and made new friends too.
The gift shop had lots of nice quilt related items and books.

To my surprise  - I immediately recognized this quilt.  One of the newest - made ones in the entire exhibit.  It used to hang in the lobby f the Wake County Courthouse and now belongs to the Museum.
The reason I was familiar with it is that my Sister-in-law, Shawnee helped make it and I remember her working on it for the bicentennial.

Her name is listed on the block above along with another friend of mine who passed away last year.

There were so many incredible quilts but this one was my favorite!
The age of some of them and the intricate work and stitching was so inspiring.

What a beautiful postage stamp quilt  - I think the sign said over 11,000 pieces.
Well  - I am definitely going to go back - as some of these quilts haven't been displayed before.
And who knows when they could be seen again.

We also had lunch at one of Raleigh's iconic places. 
The Restaurant at the State Farmer's Market - It was worth the wait- we ate outside and enjoyed the lovely May weather.

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