
Friday, February 21, 2020

Taking a Snow/ Sew Day

Yesterday was supposed to be a trip down to Wilmington to sew with S & C but Mother Nature had other plans so after some errands (YES I went to the grocery store too like all good North Carolinians do when they hear that word) I went down the little house just as the first raindrops started.

 I carried some items to store in TLH until the church has a yard sale Tuesday afternoon.  And all of a sudden I was loading this quilt on the Crown Jewel! 1 quilted a couple of rows too.

I finished quilting the Little H Quilt.  And I took time to load another quilt.
By then the snow was covering the lawn and looked so beautiful and peaceful coming down.


This was a surprise - last year's orchid has been sitting in the sink all winter and has new buds - very exciting for me as I have never had patience to wait for them. Trying not to over water - must remember 2 ice cubes per week.

Two little birds discussing the snow - 5PM

The Little House - 6PM

From the back porch  - the forsythia in the center was in full bloom  - we've had some very warm days this  February and lots of rain so many trees have blossomed out too.

Camellia under my kitchen window.

Well I'm just going to enjoy the beauty and let Mother Nature sort it out!

  Amaryllis is just perfect.  I enjoy it everyday.

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