
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Continuing On - March

 Mid-month when the rumors of  Quarantine became our reality, I immediately decided I needed a little bit of retail therapy.  I also ordered HBO to supplement TV therapy.

Love the way Sew Lux Fabrics - located within 30 miles of us- adds a little wrap to their orders.

A very simple scrappy pattern that I saw on Pinterest.
Think it will make a lively donation quilt.

Love this - got up and saw the moon (March =Worm Moon) in the western sky from the back porch.

Ran around to the front door to see the sunrise at the same time.

 Finished this top - it measures 48 by 54".

I made bunches of face masks and mailed them out to family members - just in case they will need them.  And started another donation quilt on the last day of the month.

During March - attending church on Facebook, buying all my groceries by ordering online and drive by pick up, no family gatherings, no meetings, no Bible Study or sewing bees - became the Norm.
But the sun kept shining and spring brought us beautiful flowers to enjoy along with the warming weather - always something to be thankful for.

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