
Thursday, June 4, 2020

Quilting Progress Report - Early June

When I finished the binding on my last quilt I was surprised to find that I had no more ready to do.
The remedy for that is shown above.  Not that I have sewn on any of them yet. Need another riveting or at least interesting audiobook or 3.

Getting to the point of sewing the rows together.  Then it will be decision time for the borders.

I picked up this quilt from Carole this past Saturday.  I cannot remember what the author of the original pattern that I got either from a magazine or a book that I had purchased.  Carole called it So many HST's for the purpose of her book keeping. I think I will name it Mucho Triangles. 
Carole is a teacher in addition to having a quilting business called Running Stitches.  With school closed she has had more time to devote to her quilting.  
I looked back and I began making blocks for this quilt back in 2013.
Now for trimming and a binding - maybe get this finished this year. 
I loved making this quilt and glad to have it almost ready for use.

Perhaps I should see to that today!

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