
Monday, January 18, 2021

Friendship Star Circles

Finished all the blocks that I had made into kits sometime back - I had twenty-one. 
They are 18' blocks so when I sew them together,  top will be 72 by 90".
I have been thinking about a border as I finished the last of the blocks.

I had in mind a border of very light stars - rather like ghost stars so I made quite a few of them as I was sewing on the blocks.  
I was thinking of the different circles of friends we have at times in our lives and how we lose touch with some for various reasons.  
But they are still with us in our memories.

However - that was so blah!
I drew up a few ideas and voila.

Much better!

I have 3 more border units to make then on to the next project.  Of course the backing and all but the hard part is done.  It should be about 88 by 98 when finished as I am only bordering three sides. 
Stay tuned for that. 

I have decided to do the Wendy Williams  - Color My World Quilt - from the Quilt Show.
I'm a little late starting and still gathering (read that as shopping for)my fabrics together.

S and I met her when we were in England and her quilt was shown at the Quilt International Show in Birmingham.  This is her Round the Garden quilt.

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