
Saturday, February 6, 2021

Fabrics Arrive - No Excuses - New Project

Can't remember the date that I ordered these fabrics for my version of "Color My World". 
 I think this is 22 of the 27 colors they recommend on the pattern, certainly enough to start with.  I will try to get the other 5 colors locally or just use fabrics I already have.  Now I can sew the January and February portions.
I ordered these from Hancock's of Paducah and their website says to allow about 8 days for the order to be filled. I called them at 10 days and they said I was still 2 days out.  They did fill my order on Jan. 29th. I got it Feb. 5th.  Along with another fabric order from Old South Fabrics in TN. which I ordered on Jan 31st.
I have a standard sized mailbox and the mail carrier stuffed, no crammed, them both in my box.  It was difficult to get them out but it was fabric after all.

I ordered this floral  to use as a border on the  the China Mosaic top I started making at the start of the pandemic last March.  I think this is the third border fabric I have ordered for it.  But I am definitely using this one.  The good news is I can use the other pieces as part of the backing. The whites and aqua were just extras.  This is my second order from Old South Fabrics - I really like their service and they are very helpful on the phone.

This is a backing fabric that I ordered from an email ad from Whittle's  Fabrics. They have great prices on the fabrics they sell. It was a quick turnaround on that order.

So yesterday I used it along with 32 extra Friendship Stars to make a backing for the Friendship Circles quilt.  

Next I will see when I can get an appointment with Carole to have it quilted.

This is the last of the  recent fabric orders was from The Fabric Patch in Washington State ( also very helpful on the phone).   I just love these little fabrics on the top.  They will go in my little boy stash for projects for Logan. And I love grunge fabrics - thinking about making a pillow.

Here's a little donation project I have been sewing on now and then.  Made blocks in two sizes 9" and 7.5".   I love the chunky looks of these blocks  - I have 35 made.  I think I will make one more and sew it as a 54" square.  I rarely use 4" squares so I had to cut all these  when I was supposed to be decluttering. BTW the decluttering, while a very good idea, didn't work so well for me.  

We have been having so many dreary or cold days - Cinnamon Bread makes my world seem more cozy !

Made some fresh loaves today.

So good with a cup of hot tea!


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