
Monday, May 31, 2021

Commitment - Enough Angst - Just Sew It

In 2013 I took a class with friends C & S to make this quilt.  
I exchanged 2" batik strips with friends.
I used about 75% of them in the Confetti Quilt.

In 2018, I trimmed the leftover strips to 1.5" for use in this quilt. 

 I had purchased a pattern called Satellite by Claudia Pfeil.  According to her directions, I was supposed to end up with 8 3/4" blocks.  I ended up trimming mine to 8". 

  I put the blocks away for a while and the got them back out and tried to sort them as she had suggested.  Flustration ensued and they went back in the box.  Last year I got them out again and sorted them and made a few more blocks.

Last week I made a commitment to sew these blocks together.  So after 3 days of rearranging them and numerous trips up and down the step stool, I committed to this layout.

I need to sew more border pieces.

All sewn  - approximately 56.5 by 71.5"
One step closer to being really finished.
Now I can add this to the need backing and quilting list!

Joining friends for lunch and games today.

Happy Memorial Day!


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