
Sunday, September 12, 2021

Old and Older Projects -September

I took this really old UFO to work on at the Undercover Bee last Saturday.  Even I find it hard to believe that I made it back in 2006 and it has been waiting this long to be finished.  And even then I didn't finish it (too much gabbing I guess).
  Truly finished at long last - cross this off my list!

My older sister, Janet, gave me several yards of this fabric.  She saw it in a store in New York and thought I would like it.  She like to sew but was always into so many other activities she rarely got much sewing done.  I think I have used it all by now.

Another UFO.  I have wanted to make a version of this pattern since the first time I saw it on a blog years ago.  In 2019, I saw a tutorial on a blog called "Elsie's Girl".  I made four blocks and for some reason or another haven't touched it since.

This past week I finished the top.  It is about 42 by 54"
Think I will leave it at that and see if I can find a backing I like among the fabrics I already have.

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