
Monday, April 4, 2022

Catching Up - December 2021

This is one of the two donation quilt tops that I made from the multicolored blocks leftover from the black and tan quilt I made in November.  These are 6" blocks. 

This is the red version - both tops measure about 38 by 44".
This is the last sewing I did in 2021.  


 Sending these two back to Texas with quilts.  Let them choose which ones they wanted.
So glad they could spend some time  in North Carolina between the holidays.

And it was so good to have all the family (those who were in town) together for Christmas.

We usually gather outside for a picture each year if the weather is obliging.  
We were waiting for Logan to wake from his long Christmas nap
 so he, Ben and Daniel missed the photo op.
After the picture - we have our version of "The Christmas Jump"!

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