
Tuesday, July 12, 2022

June Projects Part 2

So glad to have this finished (broke a needle when I started and messed up the timing on the machine).

66 x 80"

Again I used the leftover blocks on the back of the quilt.

Next I loaded a top I called Sling Blade(named by my daughter, Shelly.  I think it is also called Buzz Saw.

I guess because of all the layers of batiks in some of the points and seams, my machine kept stopping and giving error messages.  So that was so annoying,  I basted the quilt in several rows and took it off.  I am going to try and quilt in on my Janome. It has been a long, long time since I have quilted on a DSM so that should be an experience.

Next up was  Birmingham Inspired. I was a little nervous when I started but this one was good to good from start to finish.    First time I have done a meander in I don't know when!

This is 60 by 72".  I love the pattern and colors of this quilt!

Another New Project
- two oopsies already!

A friend shared some of her pieces from men's shirts recently.
So I dug out my shirt stash and --------

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