
Tuesday, July 5, 2022

May Projects

I have no idea what the name of this block is but I have seen it several times in pictures on FB Groups and on various blogs.  I've made it before in a 9"block .  It is simply a 2 by 3.5" rectangle.  
The 9" blocks takes 18 pieces and the 12" block takes 32 pieces.  They actually sew together pretty quickly.  The hard part is cutting out all those small rectangles. This will be a 48 by 48" donation quilt.  
 I call it Little Tabs. 

I quilted it and showed it at our May Bee Meeting along with the other 2 donation quilts that I got quilted and bound.  It looks a little less jarring from a ways back.

Both of these quilts are about 42 by 48"

I pulled this out of the UFOs.  I started it in 2017 when I went to a Missouri Star Quilt Retreat with a group of friends.  I struggled with it as I used jelly rolls from two different manufacturers and their 2.5 inches varied a little so they didn't match up as well as I would have liked.
I finished sewing the blocks together and added the borders. 
The pattern is called Ribbon Star - I'm pretty sure MSQC must have a video tutorial as it was in one of their Block Magazines.

 I even used every scrap of those jelly roll strips into the backing. Made several backings with plans to catch up on some quilting in June.

I have so many UFO's - but never let it be said that it has ever kept me from starting more - no one ever wants to run out of them!

Trying to make more donation quilts in kind of manly colors this summer!


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