
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Early Spring & Easter 2023

I really like this block - I don't remember the name but it was our Block of the Month for March at the Pine Tree Quilter's Meeting.  I made my four components but alas I did not win the blocks.  I am making more so I can have my version! The blocks are not hard to make but I find it hard to arrange the HST's the way I want them to look.  I have a feeling this will not be a very large quilt. I'm calling it Radient Squares.

I made this version of the Potato Chip Block Quilt.  I am trying to concentrate on "manly" colors for more of my donation quilts this year. This will be a good size for a wheel chair quilt.


We celebrated Easter Service at Edenton Street Methodist with Logan's Baptism.
The weather was beautiful and later we gathered at my house for a late dinner and family time.

New Projects

This has been occupying much of my time lately. I had decided right after Christmas - because I waited to long to get them done last year to catch up on making Christmas Stockings for the 6 new family members.
  I haven't knitted anything in a long while. And I no longer had any yarn.  I think I left the yarn and needles at the lake house.  I have also misplaced my notebook of Christmas Stocking Patterns.
So I bought some patterns from Etsy and a Book of Patterns from Amazon; started gathering up yarns and then the needles, bobbins etc.
This is my first practice project - it's looking okay so this may be stocking #1.  Guess I'd better wait until I get to the heel before I get over confident.
By the way, in May I found the Pattern Notebook.

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