
Monday, July 10, 2023

November 2022

 November 2022

Pinkie - I designed this quilt from a picture I saw in a magazine and made the top in 2002?  Finally quilted it in early November but have yet to finish the binding. It's an odd size and I guess that's why I have never really been too crazy about it. One day.............

Crafting and getting ready for our church's annual cookie walk. We will be decorating the Fellowship Hall  so I am helping prep for this by making some( about 200) paper Magnolia Blossoms from coffee filters.
Not so bad - just make a few each day.

Took a Collage Class up at Lake Gaston,  Sherry's Sewing Center, with some friends and the Goldsboro Guild.  Wish I could say I have finished my collage but at least I got started on it.  It was a fun day and the Goldsboro gals did a great job planning the day. They also and made some terrific pieces!

It was a nice place to shop too.

My sewing for the month consisted of making two of these cute Nativity sets from panels.

A bit challenging at times but my friend, Sylvia, who makes a lot of handbags gave me some good tips that were very helpful. And I finished one in time to give it to my great grandson at Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Day was sunny and mild and we had a great day.

Cousin Carter drove down from Indiana and spent the weekend.

                          Logan napped through dinner and group pictures but arrived for dessert. 


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