
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Patriotic Four Patch/ Small World

I made this quilt top at Connie's yesterday.  I found a plastic shoebox with 54 blocks already made so I only needed to add 2 more.  Now I have a top that measures 56 x 64" which will be great for a quilt to take to the Veteran's Hospital in Durham.  We had a great time and Connie fed us the most amazing baked spaghetti.
Even better she gave me some to take to John so I didn't have to cook.

The little stars are leftovers  from my Christmas Folk Art wall hanging shown here.
There is lots of construction going on at the hospital.  Yesterday as John and I were leaving the hospital after his pre-tests, we got turned around and used the front entrance rather than way we entered.  Coming up that hall was an old friend and quilter that I hadn't seen in several years.  She works at the hospital and normally is in the MRI unit but had a class that morning.    It was so nice to see Pam. Gave me a warm fuzzy all day!
This morning, we were up before the crack of dawn as John had to be at the hospital at 5:45AM. After the procedure, when they called me to recovery - we had a pleasant surprise.  One of the nurses John had back in 2000 had seen his name and came back to visit with us.  Laura was so wonderful to him.  I remember she brought him an angel pin and put it on his hospital gown; she would pray with and for him when he needed it.  It was just so good to see her.  She had also called another of his nurses, Lanelle, that still works there. She was on vacation but we here from her every Christmas still. 
Then I saw another nurse I knew from 2000, Jeanne, she is also a member of the Raleigh guild.
They sent me to pick up the car and I saw another friend and quilter, Peggy L., who's husband was just getting checked in for a procedure.  Small small world!
Tomorrow is game day with the grandkids! Then John's sister and BIL will stop in for the night on their way back to Florida.

Maybe, if I get up real early, I can sew the last nine Ohio Star blocks for the Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt so I can be up to date for Friday.

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