
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Churn Dash Finished - - - almost!

Started it back in February 2016.  And after many indecisions and changes it is good to call it almost finished.  I got it back from the quilter (Carol Gates - Running Stitches) a couple of weeks ago.  I trimmed it and sewed on the binding Thursday.  It is 90 by 90" and now all I have to do is make a label and sew down the binding.  Not my forte - but I'm calling it done - almost.

I showed it at the Bee on Saturday

the back
the quilting
We had a very nice Bee Meeting today - what a lot of show and tell - lots of inspiring quilts! 
 Two new talented visitors and one members grand daughters came by for a bit to show us the sewing they had been doing this summer with their grand mother. Lots of quilt talk - food and fun. 

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