
Friday, October 4, 2019

Variegated Double Nine Patch

The variegated double nine patch blocks (all 121 of them) are completely sewn together into a top and pressed.  It is 99 by 99".  And it's hard to believe but I resisted using red as a major color in this quilt.  It was hard for me as red is my go to color.

I am leaving it on the top of one of the spare beds until I come back from vacation and have time to make a backing.  It is hard to get a good picture of the design - it shows up better at a distance,

I have the aqua/turquoise and plum/red violet blocks arranged in diamonds.
So so hot and dry lately - keeping the porch plants happy is a daily watering chore.

 But they say thanks with greetings of cheery blossoms now and again!


  1. You are truly amazing. Love the churn dash, and why not it is blue.
    I see the firecracker plant is doing well. Hope mine makes it through the winter. Will put it on screened porch.
    Have a great time on vaca.
