
Friday, August 26, 2022

August Finishes - Little Snowballs

Finally finished this Panel Kit that I bought a couple of years ago.
Plan on giving it to my GGS on his second birthday. 

I love the cute little Sweetwater print for the back.

The Bunkhouse Plain and Fancy quilt is 57 by 66" and I will donate it to Pine Tree  this fall.

Backing a red and tan paisley that I had on hand.

"Flywheel"  44 by 60"
Another donation quilt that I was glad to finish!

I even finished sewing bindings on a couple of Table Runners that have been laying on the shelf for more years than I can even remember.

The Fifty-four Forty quilt (64 by 72") is also ready to be donated for the VA Hospice Unit.

This is my new  - old project!
  I have been making these 4,5 inch blocks on and off for a few years.
I initially started making them intending to use them as a border for a quilt I was making at the time.
I put them aside but made more now and then. I put them away while cleaning up the sewing room.
Found them again!
I started sewing them into 9' blocks, by colors, this week. 
I'll have to see where this goes!

A good quilting week!
Lunch out with friends from Ladybug Quilt Shop Tuesday,
Regular sewing day with friends C and S on Thursday and 
Undercover Bee tomorrow  - always fun!


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