
Thursday, August 4, 2022

Three Projects Ready to Quilt and One New Project

I finished this top in July 2021 - it is 90 by 99".
Made a backing for this and it is ready for quilting.
The 10th time I have used this pattern that I remember.
I've always called it Exquisite Star.


I had finished this and added borders to make it 57 by 66".
I called it Bunkhouse Plain and Fancy.  Also made the backing for it.

Another small quilt that I started as a spur of the moment idea.  To see if I would like it etc.
I ran out of the background fabric and it waited for a few months until I found more of it.
Not thrilled with it but will quilt it for a donation quilt.

It doesn't look very inviting in these photos either.
I started it in December 2021 - it is 44 by 60".
Calling it Flywheel, also made a back for this .

This pattern is called Logs and Bricks and is published in Scrap-Basket Knockouts by Kim Brackett.
So I pre-ordered the book that was published in July. 
I saw the preview for the book and loved this pattern!

I had rather figured out the pattern but I liked the other quilts in the book too.
I made a few blocks and luckily it was the same as in the book.

It is lots of cutting and lots of small pieces.

This where I ended today but I have more blocks in various stages.
It's a log cabin type of block.  So it works best for me to sew them that way.


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